BWXT Canada Ltd.
(The Babcock & Wilcox Company)
BWXT Canada Ltd. (BWXT Canada), an international provider of energy products, is no stranger to facility upgrades that increase their efficiencies and decrease their operational costs. Conscientious of their energy consumption from both an economical and sustainability perspective, BWXT Canada looked to lighting upgrades as a way to help with both.
The Coronation Street location in Cambridge had participated in a lighting upgrade project several years ago, replacing all of their old T12 lighting in the office area to T8’s. Shortly after the plant was considered for a LED lighting upgrade project, but due to the cost and quality of LED lighting at the time, the project was deferred.
Now, with great incentives offered from Cambridge and North Dumfries Hydro, the plant lighting project made sense.
The recently completed lighting project included three areas where the lighting was to be replaced: the boiler shop, nuclear clean room, and the dry storage container shop. In conducting the preliminary product research, BWXT Canada briefly considered induction lighting for the project, but the technology was deemed too dated and LED lighting was selected.
The lighting upgrade was a one-for-one replacement of almost 300 lights, 40’ to 70’ ceilings and had to be completed on the weekends so as not to interrupt productivity. The product replacement included:
By participating in the SaveONenergy program, BWXT Canada is decreasing its annual energy costs significantly, as well as decreasing their lighting energy output by half. That alone is a great enough reason to participate in the program. On top of that, the maintenance costs are much lower for LED lighting, as the product lasts substantially longer before repairs or maintenance is required. This becomes an important factor when needing to mobilize for 40 to 70-foot ceilings.
The new lights also provide much better quality of light for the employee working conditions. While previously suited lights for the application created a low, orange type glow (HPS), the new LED lights provide a bright, white lighting, (see images) in which employees say they are very happy with.
The monthly operational costs have decreased as expected and the project has been submitted for completed areas with the rebate received.
Lighting Upgrade
Project Details:
Existing Building
Nuclear Services
Project Savings:
1,754,803 kW hours
$245,000 annually
Rebate Incentive:
The saveONenergy RETROFIT PROGRAM made a dramatic difference on our financial decision to proceed with this project. The program covered approximately 25% of the total cost of the project and brought the payback time down to 2.7 years.
Because we are now able to purchase LED fixtures that are powerful enough for a one-to-one replacement of 1000W sodium fixtures, this also reduced our installation costs. The LED fixtures are expected to last for 11 years before requiring any significant maintenance. If we had chosen a High Output T5 option, the maintenance would have been much higher, with 3000 plus bulbs to change.
We partnered with Arcadian Projects and Guillevin International, and are very happy with the results. They took care of all rebate paperwork and recycling of the old fixtures.
We have also replaced our air compressor under the saveONenergy program with equally impressive results.
Colin Powell, Training and Operations Support Coordinator, Nuclear Services
BWXT Canada Ltd.